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2023-2024 ~ Teach Us History. All of It!
An Act to Promote Racially Inclusive Curriculum in Schools

On October 11, 2023, various groups and individuals statewide united under the Coalition for Anti-Racism and Equity Action (CARE Action). They gathered to present compelling testimonies before the Joint Committee on Education of the Massachusetts Legislature in staunch support of An Act To Promote Racially Inclusive Curriculum in Schools (S.288/H.542).

CARE members, along with high school and college students, educators, local school committee members, parents, business leaders, a mental health expert, democracy advocates, immigrants, and representatives from AAPI, Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities, delivered impactful testimony. The students shared powerful narratives detailing their encounters with racism in the educational system and emphasized the lack of historical education about Black, Latinx, AAPI, and Indigenous peoples.

Click HERE to listen to the testimony.

In support of Anti-Racism & Equity in Education, 2021-2022

Boston Public School Graduate

"I was raised in a school system that did not teach me anything about my history. I did not see myself reflected in my academics at all. That's unacceptable in the 21st century."
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